“Make Measurable Progress in Reasonable Time” Jim Rohn


This weeks post explains it self. I went about the same progression as my prior sculpting techniques. I found that having a base to work from has really helped me visualize the overall structure of what I have learned in anatomy of the human body throughout the semester. Progress is as displayed. Enjoy!

I started per usual with the bone structure of the arm, I wanted to revisit the overall work throughout the semester. I know that my work lacked in displaying the knowledge I have gained, and the placement/structure of what I have learned throughout my study of anatomy. The Radius, ulna, and Humerus gave me the ability to discover my flaws in the past with my prior arm sculpts. I noticed that without the correct placement I was unable to place the Biceps, Brachioradialis, extensor capiradialis brevis, and the extensors, and flexors for each. This made it seem like the arm had more muscles that needed.

Side note —— Hands and I are not getting along so basically we will progress in the love hate relationship.


And so it begins ..


Every experience in Life changes the Brains Anatomy. “Deepak Chorpa”