Slight changes can really progress or halt you!

Alrighty!! This is just a taste of a vision My Little Adventures! As it started coming together, I was relieved in many areas during production. I would not say I am finished, but I would say that I am extremely close and pleased with the results so far.

Last week during my gathering of work to create a post, I noticed that I moved along in the project as a whole. This left me with open questions, unfinished results, and a wide range of the project unfinished, to say the least. It was no surprise because of the many travels back down the road to start from the beginning, or forks in the road that came about. I decided to take that time last week to gather my notes and gather what we missing, a clear direction. It’s not saying that I could not proceed, but it would have ended with a half finished forced project. I would have not been happy with it.

Pushing back once more and moving forward gave me ability to see a clearer picture of the project.

There are many aspects of the project that seem like a game, let me clarify. The mechanics are within the realm of role play and offer the same style that might be portrayed or envisioned as a game. These props and instruments that are more keen to a wide range of consumers viewing them will think it is a game. For example, seeing miniatures, cards, dice, well duh! Yea seems like a game! Right!?

Well no, it’s not. I decided to go with props and style that is modern and more keen for us to remember, or see as an easy explanation. We see cards we think of many games and or collectibles, mini figures, and dice all add into this thought.

The reasoning behind choosing these instruments is because it allows for more physical, behavioral, an connection between the user and the product. That basically sums it up!

I ran into a snag with printing my stickers for the cards, staples said Covid reasons, what else is new. I finally received them and am stickers them as I type this. Printing the assets on the 3D printer and moving forward. The end is near to show you the end result. Only a few adjustments were made such as instruction cards being printed, and made, need design/icon forms to display certain easy to understand progression with the instruments. For example, halt your story! And reverse your adventure, etc. or, open ended progression as usual. Card front are being worked on and will be printed from home instead without ease this time around. Only thing left after is compiling it all together, demonstrations and renders!

Onward I say in this journey. I am currently painting the 3D models once they finish printing, attaching the prints to the cards and dice, doing some minor testing in the play forms to make sure it’s going good, and continuing to texture and render the assets.

Enjoy the progress!


A little overwhelming but not quite.


Revisions, iterations, stop think, repeat!!!!!!!