Time Will Tell…

Pursuing the areas that were mentioned last week, each post will include shortened description’s as a refresher/reminder of the project. For the next few weeks these post will be visualizing the product with descriptions.

One good thing I have noticed is to get critique from others not involved in the project. A perfect example is when I was struggling to figure out an exact approach to getting this project in a physical form in order to explain it better, my wife said that my ideas are there they just need to become more simplistic to approach the overall. I started to dump out sketches and ideas that became clearer as I pursued each section.

The environment for example, a great approach was to utilize a pattern, why not go with the \typical hexagonal pattern for table top play. I pursued this to give the platform of never ending and the ability to control the environment. The additional assets will be sized down to meet the hexagonal pattern, and give the 3D element of the environment during play. The assets that I already have created are in the process of finding a good size and fit to the hexagonal pattern. I purchased blank hexagonal game board pieces and cannot wait to add my touch of the environment to them.

The cards and the dice are a bit more complex, as I did not want rules to form within the storytelling process, I needed a way to initiate the story, or find a way that the interaction connected on a cognitive level. The deck will include up to three starter story cards for interaction of initiating the story. The card deck itself will feature elements to follow, along with surprise interactions to guide the imagination process. One thing that was important was the age group I originally focused my concept around, 5+. The issue is that the typical comprehensive age that children read is around 6-7 or first and second grade. This toy design may need to be aged up. It is not a big bump but a starting age of possibly 6+ or 8+, may be the way to go to. The dice can help trigger events, and be used solely for character purposes. I am heading in the solely character purpose direction. This is still within design element and research stage, only due to the fact that the characters are not fully developed.

The sketch of the simplistic concept having the book, hexagonal pieces, cards and dice, are placed in a play pattern to give me the idea of the overall project. The play form of the storytelling by fill in the blank cards, develop the environment and pursue the open ended quests/tale from the users imagination varies on the user. It is not a game, it is a storytelling mechanic that is spatial present for the user to learn while using their imagination.

I noticed a few things that needed attention as I pursued everything in a simplistic manner. The story!! I cannot have a product like this without the an actual story development for the child to follow. I started by pursuing the back story for characters I have already developed, and it did not seem like enough to push the entire product. I needed an extra, possible companion/traveler that was a part of the paladin as Draco is. I took inspiration from Dungeon and Dragons, and the role-playing game Neverwinter. In Neverwinter you have companions that fight beside you, and empower you throughout the game. I used this concept to develop another character for the product. The golem, is a companion to Ellie the paladin, and Draco. The back stories are as follows: (on what I have so far for the project)

  • Once upon a time , there lived a paladin. She was one of the strongest royal guardians to the king. In the kingdom of **** the battle for the sacred (pendant, potion, or other object) emerged. The **** was an ancient prize amongst everyone in ****. In order for the king's royal subjects to feel safe against the threat of their kingdom, the king sent out a request to a once fierce and retired paladin, dear to the king's heart. 

    Chapter 1 - card 1

    Ellie receives the letter from the king and begins the quest of acquiring the (said object) before the enemies of the kingdom.

    • Asset king's letter 

    Card 2

    Draco receives a king's letter addressed to Ellie of a lost ancient (said object) that the king is looking to acquire before it falls into the wrong hands. He sets out to find Ellie.

    • Asset king’s letter

    Card 3 

      Golem is pursuing training with Ellie, as a messenger arrives. The king's letter states that he requires Ellie, Draco, and Golem to meet at the castle for a dire message. In p.s. the ancient (said object) is at risk.

    • Asset king’s letter

    Ellie Card Backstory

    Draco Card Backstory

    Golem Card Backstory

    Enemy Card -

    Attacks Card -

    Remaining story cards

    • Encounters 

      • Enemies

      • Outsiders

      • Bandits

      • Villagers

    • Story progression

      • Based on cards 1,2 and 3, or open ended progression

    • Camping - hungry, tired, etc.

    • Random acts from each character

    • Travel cards 

      • Move the environment while telling the story 

      • Or rearrange the environment to enact the progression of the story

    • Event cards

      • Characters leave campaign

      • Characters become distracted and lead off on their own.

It was cheaper to buy a 3D printer than to have my stuff printed, this should be fun!! In the process !!!!!


Revisions, iterations, stop think, repeat!!!!!!!


Another day, Another dollar spent.